Some great cover pics for your facebook account . Handpicked from here and there , actually was finding one for me but I only use those which I click myself.
As Paul Tarjan (web hacker , Facebook ) {ya tats his name } said cover would be something that describes you best or it would be the first remark you can give on your friends or fans , So choose a cover smartly...
- Just save the pics and upload .
This one would be good for those groovy, music lover who want something nice when they open there profile .
For those Gothic , psychotic and weird people ... I don't like this one much but it has some kind of attraction.
A cool Cover for those party frenzy people . Dont know but it reminds me of LMFAO . Everday I'm Shufflin.
this one is ma fav funny,sarcastic and badass... The right cover picture for People like me.
Funny and cool cover pics for those crazy gamers who want to describe about them right from start.
This one for the those funny, crazy , uber awesome people who want people understand that you dont want sh*t from them...
Why u no follow us on facebook? Or if you dare, grab my *&@# !!!