Comics are one of the things which people of all age loves, It can simple funny or some super Hero fantasy , but those story board in strips cant be ignored , Well comics hasn't changed much just taken different hideouts , So lets start our journey towards best Web Comics. #xkcd "A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language," xkcd is quite popular with the tech crowd, mainly because its jokes usually make you scratch your head at least once. For added fun, hover your mouse over the comic and you'll find a bonus joke or an explanation for the head scratchers, in the images' alt tags." # Ctrl+Alt+Del Ctrl+Alt+Del is a strip that focuses primarily on video game related humor, but does branch out into other types of stories. The strip is published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and also has the rare honor of earning creator Tim Buckley his primary source of income. My Favorite # Cyanide and happine...